
Adaptation takes a product name, or a strapline, and interprets the meaning so that it works just as well in a specified foreign market.

Adaptation ensures that your message:

- Retains the core message of your original copy
- Keeps the message powerful
- Reflects the 'feeling' you want for your brand

When a brand and product name moves into foreign markets, it is crucial that the marketing in those markets keeps the original tonality and concepts. After all, you’ve put serious time and effort into the intention behind your taglines and product names. It stands to reason that a similar effort should go into the foreign markets' adaptations. This is how adaptation works and it often goes way beyond creative translation.

At Living Word, we achieve the best adaptation through careful interpretation of your ideas. What makes your brand stand out? We can put that into words, but at the same time we make it culturally appropriate for your target market.

The adaptation process starts with your ideas, your brief. Our copywriters then use their creative skills to recreate your concepts as an appropriate message for your audience.

The adaptation process shouldn't be rushed, but with time, and your input, we can create a killer adaptation that compliments your original concept. Your brand will break international ground with both impact and style.

The adaptation service we provide always includes literal back translations, and a rationale so you can see how the creative translation will reflect your brand.

If you would like to know more about our adaptation service, please

Contact us today.